
Ispezione DPI e attrezzature complesse Kong

All PPE require daily checks and periodic inspections.  The competence to carry out daily checks is obtained with any training course in correct use, while, in..

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Sicurezza sul lavoro

Safety in the workplace is a value that is as indispensable as it is unattainable.   We can only hope to reduce insecurity through incisive actions that modify..

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Soccorso Tecnico

By Technical Rescue we mean that part of the rescue that not concerns "healthcare", for which specific organisations exist.   Kong S.p.A. has always supported ..

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Esperienza Outdoor

The natural world is the most complex. It has no rules other than those of the nature itself.  The training courses in this section concern the structures that..

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To make work and outdoor activities safer, but also to open up new opportunities.

As a guarantee for its customers, Kong S.p.A. is organised with a quality management system certified UNI EN ISO 9001 also for the planning and supply of training services for safety in the workplace.

Kong S.p.A. is accredited:

1) in the regional register of the entities accredited for education and professional training services n° 845/2014 (Regione Lombardia)
This accreditation is indispensable and mandatory to provide courses and refresher courses for rope access workers and supervisors, both on artificial land and on trees.

2) as I.R.A.T.A (Industrial Rope Access Trade Association) training center n° 5058/T
IRATA is an international organisation that associates companies and rope access technicians working in the Oil&Gas, construction, civil engineering, wind, etc. sectors. IRATA rope access technicians are recognised in many countries around the world.

3) as S.P.R.A.T. (Society of Professional Rope Access Technicians) training center
S.P.R.A.T. is an international organisation that associates only rope access technicians in the Oil&Gas, construction, civil engineering, wind, etc. sectors. The greatest concentration of technicians joining SPRAT is in the USA.

4) as G.W.O. (Global Wind Organisation) training center n° 725451
G.W.O. is an international organisation that associates the major manufacturers and owners of wind turbines with the aim of creating a training standard that improves the safety of operators. The technicians, who own the G.W.O. certification, are recognised in many countries of the world.

The standard courses are in catalogue or customised according to specific needs.

Training activities are normally held at our facilities or, if required and possible, at the customer's premises. Kong teachers are qualified in compliance with the various standards and legislation in force in the country where the training is provided. Kong S.p.A. has also a reminding system that notifies customers of the necessary training updates, when foreseen.

Kong S.p.A training proposals are addressed to adult students, self-employed workers, company employees, safety managers, directors and employers.

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